Saturday, April 16, 2005

Sub Ground Level

There are days
That open new ways
And give us the prespective
Of a continuos timeline
Cross peak surroundings
Of thunder sparks
Aromatizing with fresh
Perfumes of Peaches
After a returning
Day from the famous
Floating in the night's
Fog curtains
Thousands of waves
Invading the neuro
And drink the experience
Of another outcomer


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Star Stream

since the falling of the star, the sky lost it's beauty, but earth won a rainbow

Monday, March 14, 2005


I remember how yhe sunset used to shine in your hair.And like an ice cream melting in your lips, my memories spread in the wind of the gold-touched afternoon

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Cuspir para o Ar

Look to the Moon that's full outside and shall embrace you in this warm night of heavenly sleep.Blowing a Kiss that's crossing the seas and will lay in your chik wispering Good Night.